Sunshine Coast online meeting list available via national website

National website link

Click on Qld, then Sunshine Coast, then green Show Online Meetings only button. This will provide a list that also has a downloadable PDF copy.

On the GSO site are ways to change meeting details (from in person to online) so they are included in this list.

Please encourage groups to use the AA structure notification methods. 

Sunshine Coast meetings that are suspended due to COVID-19:

(NOTE: please email with any meeting changes so online lists are up to date. The ones listed as suspended or closed are based on CSO being notified)

Please check the Meetings/By Day for up to date changes (or Qld wide). The Meetings/By Location tab is not as accurate .

Please click here:

Online meeting details available at

Online meeting info

How to set up an online meeting:

How to Maintain Anonymity in an Online Zoom Meeting

Can all groups please update GSO not only with meeting closures but also with new Zoom/ Skype/ online meetings details via the links below:

To change a meeting’s details, go to

This will ensure Pathfinder also gets updated, and all other linkages of meetings are updated across various websites.

This will have the centralized repository back with current details as quickly as possible, including meeting lists like this. Just click on Qld, Sunshine Coast and online meetings and click search:

List Meetings


The links below are interim methods (often with closed groups) that assist notification to existing members but the existing process of meeting notification via CSO enables new and old members access to the same information in an existing repository that links to other repositories.

Sunshine Coast Facebook:

Another schedule resource solely for Zoom meetings: 

Australia AA Skype meetings daily at 9.30am and 7.30pm.

Click on link 5 minutes before scheduled time and use link on that page to enter.

The interim links will be taken down as updates start flowing through to CSO. Please encourage all group owners to update CS)/GSO meetings list that are the central repositories.

Thanks all.