Serenity in Samford – date claimer and call for volunteers

Serenity in Samford convention to be held again this year, on 22-24th November 2024 at Baden-Powell Park, Samford

We need help with serving meals and cleanup after – could you ask your group/s to nominate for volunteers for the meal service/cleanup. One group per meal slot. Needing 4 people minimal per slot please. Email us for more information at, or sign up to volunteer at

Further details to follow for Costs of weekend and accommodation.
Let’s make it bigger and better in 2024, it is a fantastic fellowship weekend.
Yours in service
SIS Committee.

Draft email for skills register

Dear AA Members,

As we embark on the General Service Manual Rewrite Project, we are reaching out to you for your valuable expertise and skills. Your participation is essential in ensuring that our efforts to revise and update the General Service Manual reflect the collective wisdom and knowledge of our fellowship.

We are specifically seeking members with skills in the following areas, which are crucial for this project:

  • Professional writing
  • Technical writing
  • Editing
  • Layout and design
  • Publishing

Your experience and proficiency in these fields, as well as any other relevant skills you may have, will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our service manual.

To contribute your skills to this important initiative, please click on the link to the skills register.

Your participation will ensure that we create a comprehensive and effective General Service Manual that serves the needs of our fellowship for years to come.

Thank you for your dedication to the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and your commitment to this important project.

Warm regards,

Gabrielle Nicholson
General Service Trustee
General Service Board of
Alcoholics Anonymous Australia

AA Around Australia

AA Around Australia June 2024
Quarterly Newsletter

published by the General Office of
Alcoholics Anonymous Australia Click here for AA Around Australia
Hi Folks,

Here is the latest AA Around Australia. I hope you enjoy it! AA’s 80th Anniversary is now just around the corner, how is your Group, or District or Area going to celebrate this milestone event.

Let’s make a noise to make sure that everyone notices that AA has been around for eight decades in Australia – From Pioneers to 80 years!

Our front page story gives a bit of history about how AA started in Australia. There’s a mention of an article by the Sunday Telegraph reporter Don Whitington who attended a meeting in November of 1946. 

We’re lucky enough to have a copy of that article and it’s an added Bonus to this edition of AA Around Australia.

As always, please forward this email to all your AA friends and encourage them to sign up for a free subscription