GSO Needs Your Support

Making a Financial Contribution to Alcoholics Anonymous Australia.

The Seventh Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states:  

“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” 

While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of A.A. service. It is both a privilege and a responsibility for groups and members to ensure that not only their group, but also their intergroup/central office, local services, district, area, and the General Service Office remain self-supporting.

This keeps A.A. free of outside influences that might divert us from our primary purpose — to help the alcoholic who still suffers. The amount of our contribution is secondary to the spiritual connection that unites all groups around the world.

In light of this, Alcoholics Anonymous Australia does not accept donations from non members. By clicking the checkbox below, you confirm that you are, or are acting on behalf of, a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Group Contributions:

Please find attached all bank details for the General Service Office, District 9, Area B NER and CSO Brisbane.  

Suggestions for your groups surplus funds are as follows:


General Service Office


District (Groups may sometimes donate 30% to their local literature office also, from time to time)


Area B (Groups may sometimes donate 10% to their local literature office also, from time to time)

Meet The General service Board Time: Feb 21, 2021 10:30 AM AEDT (09.30 Qld time)

Valerie Martin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please see the agenda attached.

Time: Feb 21, 2021 10:30 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 8020 7280
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        +61 2 8015 6011 Australia
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        +61 8 7150 1149 Australia
Meeting ID: 919 8020 7280
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Best wishes


Valerie Martin


General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous Australia

Area Assembly May 2021 update

Please be advised that the SC Disc9 bid to host the Area Assembly for May 2021 was passed and accepted at the Area B Assembly on 13/02/2021.


Our DCM Linda T is looking into the suitability of the Valdora Community Hall as the next venue, we can book this for the 15th May at a cost of $2 per person, so around $40 to 50 depending on how many come along. 

As Linda T has arranged with the hall to physically visit and inspect the hall next week we now invite any persons in this group to lodge their objections to the booking of this site [if it is suitable] as the next Area Assembly Venue, so as not to miss out please respond to email by 11.59pm Wednesday the 17/02/202. You are welcome to view the Web page at

The Mixer contributions required

Hi everyone,


We’re keen to get another edition of The Mixer out asap. We think the timing is especially important given a lot of us (including newcomers) are still inhibited from getting back to face-to-face meetings.


But we need your help! How? More contributions!


Some ideas include:

  • Your recovery story (as if you were sharing experience, strength and hope at an ID meeting), with or without a theme
  • Your experience in, and living, the program throughout COVID
  • How your home group has adapted / managed throughout the pandemic
  • Your experience of doing service in AA, generally or in relation to a certain service position


And if you don’t have time to submit a story about your own experience, maybe you’ve seen an AA-related article in another setting. For example, in the last edition, a member referred us to a piece that was originally published on the website for the central service office around San Francisco, looking at how we might honour the 12 traditions in the context of Zoom.


Please let me know if you have any questions – I’d be happy to give you a steer.


The Mixer Website: As a side note, our website is back up and running ( – however, we are keen to improve it! There are some great Australian AA websites, like the national website, (, and here in Victoria, AA Times ( So if you (or another member you might be able to put us in contact with) has had any experience with the set up or management / maintenance of these websites, we’d be grateful to pick your brain.


Yours in service,


Tom M (together with Brad S, and Lindee C)


Editor, The Mixer (Australian national AA magazine)